Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Episode 3

"It has all been worked out for you now my friend David."

"What's been worked out? We paid them to get us over the border with the well you know....What does he mean? Who are those men?"

"Shut up will you....Let me think....What's going on Youssef?"

"You will go with these men that is all."

"What the fuck ! You said you would get us over the border and to where our rendezvous point is,you swore you would take us to...."

"And you are now in that province I have kept my word."

"Surely we can work something out ? If its more money you need we can get you more look here take this."

The group of men walk towards them guns pointed at them.

"Do as they say and all will be well In shah Allah."

The men grab both David and Marcia.

"Get your fucking hands off me, let go of me! What are you doing? I'll get you for this you bastard I'll fucking get you!"

"You animals, bastards let me fucking go. Let me go......let me go."

They are dragged off kicking and screaming until they are knocked out and bound by the group of men. Cuts to a youtube video. Both are tied and kneeling a group of men stand behind them holding guns and largeknives in front of a flag. A political/revolutionary speech is made in a foreign language with subtitles in several languages
Speech is:

"Those who dare to invade our lands, those who bring their terror, their war, those who insult our culture our beliefs they will pay the price at the hands of the Sons of God....Let his work be done."

Then first David and then Marcia are beheaded. Heads are held up to the camera amid shouts and cheers from the masked men. Cuts back to the studio and Johnny.
Smiling photos of David and Marcia appear on screen. Cuts back to Johnny. Applause and cheers from the audience.

Johnny Paradis'
"Wow now thats what I call a Kodak moment folks ha,ha,ha,ha, Well, you can tell they didn't expect things to turn out like that. Thats something to tell the folks about back home about ha,ha,ha,ha....Oh sorry. Its hard to talk when you've lost your head like that. And here are some of our favourite David and Marcia moments."

Applause and cheers from the audience. Cuts to interview with Johnny and David and Marcia in their home.

Johnny Paradis'
"So guys, whats it like to be chosen from over one and a half million applicants worldwide to be on Globetrotters?"

"We're so just so excited,just so excited we still can't believe it, and when I told my family and friends they were all like "OH MY GOD" that's unbelievable they were all just so happy for us!"

"It's a dream come true for us Johnny....I see it as our chance to really be someone....Someone real....Someone that matters."

Cuts to a scene of them on a truck in the jungle firing guns at another 4X4 chasing them. The trucks are bouncing around travelling at high speed.

Johnny Paradis'
"Who can forget that chase in Columbia? Not me, that's for sure and who'd have thought Marcia was such a good shot?"

Slow motion shot Marcia firing a gun and hitting the driver of the chasing 4X4. Cuts to a scene of them running through a slum in the Gaza strip. In the background fighting is going on between armed militias.

Johnny Paradis'
"Remember their adventure in the Gaza strip folks? What a week that was!"

Cuts to a scene of them arguing over directions and the price of Semtex. They are standing in an alleyway.

"I can't believe you agreed to that price for 20 kilos of Semtex, Christ I don't know if we'll be able to make a profit on it now. Shit we'll be lucky to break even."

"I don't give a shit about that right now we got the stuff and thats, that. What I'm worried about is we have no fucking idea where we are or how to get back to the hotel. I've got a massage and facial booked for three you know. And if I miss that its non-refundable. I need to look my best in all these challenges I'm not going on TV looking like I've just been dragged through a hedge backwards, you have no idea what its like to be a woman."

Johnny Paradis'
"And who would have thought that Semtex would be so expensive and the hotel so hard to find again? Ah, the memories. Sometimes thats all we have left. Especially after the souvenirs have been re-gifted."

Cuts to a scene of them both smiling thumbs up saying.

David & Marcia

Applause and cheers from the audience. Studio lights dim and Johnny takes on a very sombre tone.

Johnny Paradis'
"David and Marcia your trot around the globe has ended and you are gone but we'll never forget you, why you've had nearly a million messages left on Facebook since you came on Globetrotters. We'll never forget all those little things that made you, you and if we do, well we can always Goggle you ha,ha,ha,ha.Thanks guys you were great! Its just a shame your heads ended up on a plate oh my, what poetry. Now theres an idea, the Johnny Paradis' book of verse."

Tune in next week for the next exciting episode of Globetrotters. Same Globetrotter time same Globetrotter channel.

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